Thursday, February 28, 2019

Preaching to the Choir

A few weeks ago I was talking to the administrator of NTM Homes. I asked him to pray for me, as I would be speaking in chapel on a controversial topic soon. I said that I was a bit nervous because I don't really enjoy controversy. He smiled and said, "That's why we assigned that topic to you!"

I replied, "Oh, thanks a lot!"

Since that was a prayer request in my last letter, I wanted to give you an update on how it went.

For the most part, I was preaching to the choir. Anyone who is a member of Ethnos360, is pretty much lined up on the same side of the controversial fence. I did get a lot of positive feedback from the choir.

This time of the year, we have a number of volunteers working here at NTM Homes. They come from various church backgrounds. I was pretty sure that not everyone would see eye to eye on this topic. So I tried to present it in a way that focused more on the positive than on the negative. The title I gave to the 2-day presentation was "Exploring God's Amazing Grace." Afterwards, several people asked me for my notes. One lady said that the presentation was an eye opener to her. She also said that she had not always presented the gospel as clearly as she could have. I smiled and said, "Yes, me too."

I have enjoyed getting more involved with Sanford Bible Church. But I did not know that one of the qualifications of being an elder was to know something about real-estate. 

Sanford Bible Church owns 10 lots of land. We are only using 2 of those lots currently. The church would like to do some significant renovations. We are looking into the possibility of selling 6 of those lots which would more than cover the costs we anticipate for these renovations. I would certainly appreciate your prayers as we seek to put those lots on the market. We have some contacts and are just beginning the process of putting those lots up for sale.

Gardening here in Florida is crazy? I just picked the last of my tomatoes from my 2018 fall crop. About a month ago, I put the first tomato plant of my 2019 spring crop into a container and set it outside. Right now it has a green, golf-ball sized tomato growing on it. And I am picking ripe strawberries from my hanging baskets. All this while those in the states to the north are shivering. Living in Florida definitely has its perks.

In Christ,


* * *

Keep the Gospel Clear!

Keep the issue clear:

·       The issue is sin, and Who is going to forgive it.

Keep the direction clear:

·       It is from the Giver to the recipient. The gift of righteousness is given when you believe.

Keep the requirements clear:

·       It is salvation through FAITH. There is nothing more!


— Charles Ryrie

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