Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jesus paid for all our sins!

What a privilege it is to train men and women to take the good news of Jesus to folks who have little or no access to the gospel. I love hearing the testimonies of those new believers who are the fruit of the training that students receive here at our MTC.

In the last few months I have been sharing with you some of the testimonies from a people group located in the Asia-Pacific region of the world. After Matt and Craig finished teaching through the chronological Bible lessons, many of these folks placed their faith in Jesus. Here are a few more testimonies from the new believers.

Weti with tears in her eyes said, “Jesus did that for me. He died in my place and paid my price. I can now go to be with him!”

Emenius really understands the message presented by Matt and Craig and has been a big help. He has explained concepts to others in his village who are not quite understanding the gospel message. As the missionaries explained about the resurrection Emenius said, “God raised Jesus from the dead because our sin debt was paid. Every bit of it was paid and God was happy with it so he raised him up from the dead. Now we can live with God.” He also explained, “Jesus paid for all our sins! Even the ones we have not done yet. If we sin again, God will not say, ‘Hey, you aren’t my child now.’ No, he won’t say that, because those sins are paid for as well!”

Mani said, “I believe God’s word. I believe that Jesus paid my sin price so now I can be with him. I am connected with God because of that.”

Miena said, “I wanted to tell you that I have received Yawe’s talk! I am a sinner but God sent Jesus to save me. When he died on the cross he paid my sin debt.”

As we teach students about the importance of language and culture study, we emphasize the importance of communicating a clear message. Obviously these new believers are understanding the clarity and simplicity of the gospel.

Even though our Spring semester has ended, things are still busy around here. The MTC is hosting a couple of forums this summer in an effort to improve our curriculum. NTM missionaries from around the world will be meeting here to discuss various topics related to our training. Please pray for those involved in these meetings to have sensitivity and gain clarity to the Lord’s will as we seek to enhance our training program.



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Mercy Versus Grace

By William MacDonald

When a condemned criminal receives a reduced sentence, we say that the judge has shown him mercy. Imprisonment rather than death is an act of mercy. Grace is better than that. It acquits the guilty sinner, imputes righteousness to him, and silences the law’s condemning voice.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

It Should Have Been Me

Previously I wrote about Matt and Craig who were students of mine at the Missionary Training Center. They work with a people group in a remote location in the Asia-Pacific region. After teaching through the chronological Bible lessons with this people group, many placed their faith in Jesus. Here are a few more testimonies of some of the new believers.

Nggoro: “I just can’t stop thinking about this. Jesus died, but that should have been me. I should have died and gone to the place of fire. But Jesus took my sins and died in my place. He paid for them so now I don’t have to. Through the blood of Jesus, I am connected with God!”

Uo — Little Uo is probably one of the youngest ones to believe. Not sure how old he is, but maybe like 7 or 8. He said in his squeaky little voice, “Jesus paid for my sins as he died on that tree. He died in my place and if we believe that, we can be with God. I believe that so now I am connected with God.”

Pelina: “Jesus lived a perfect life when we could not. He lived the perfect life and then died even though he had no sin to pay for. He died in my place and paid for my sins. Because of that I am connected with God!”

Alesina: “For so long, I was trying to be good, to be good for God. Now I have learned that I am a sinner and I can’t be made right with God because he can’t be with sin. Jesus came and died and took my sin debt on himself. He took it all! He is like the shepherd, who is the door of the sheep pen—we can only get in through Him! My heart is so happy, I can now be with Yahweh when I die!”

We have just finished another semester here at the Missionary Training Center. What a privilege it is to have a part in training students like Matt and Craig to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. I really appreciate my partnership team that has had a part in helping to train these men and women how to learn an unwritten language and to plant a church among animistic people groups. God is using the gifts and prayers of His saints to make a difference in the lives of so many people around the world.


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Who are you depending on?

By C.H. Mackintosh

If we can do nothing, self-confidence is the height of presumption.

If God can do everything, despondency is the height of folly.