Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Danger: Vinegar+Bleach!!!

There is an old maxim which says that oil and water do not mix. If you try to mix oil and water, the oil will eventually float to the top. The thought is that there are certain things that just do not go together. I, for one, do not put mustard on ice cream and I don’t put chocolate sauce on hotdogs. But maybe that’s just me.

There are a number of household items that can be dangerous if mixed. For example:

  • Bleach + Vinegar = Toxic Chlorine Gas.
  • Ammonia + Bleach = Toxic Chloramine Vapors.
  • Rubbing Alcohol + Bleach = Chloroform.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide + Vinegar = Parecetic Acid.

Jesus also warned about not mixing certain things. He said, “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results (Mk. 2:21).”

In commenting on this verse, Dr. Kenneth Wuest wrote, “There are those today who attempt to retain the Mosaic law which God set aside at the Cross, and put upon it the patch of grace. It happens as our Lord said, ‘The new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.’ When the attempt is made to mix law and grace, both lose their true identity and you have the doctrines of the Judaizers in the Galatian heresy.”

Unfortunately, many Bible teachers today insist on mixing law with grace. Mixing vinegar and bleach is not just a bad idea. It is actually dangerous. It is equally dangerous in the spiritual realm to mix law with grace.

Prayer request update:

Sanford Bible Church has 6 lots for sale. We have a buyer for 2 of the lots. The closing date on the sale is May 17th. This will really help us in making much needed repairs. Thanks so much for praying about this need. Please continue to pray for the sale of the rest of the lots.

In Christ,


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The Standards of Grace
by J. F. Strombeck

To reject the law as a teacher is not to say that there are no standards set for Christian conduct. Grace also sets standards but these are on a much higher plane. Those of the law are on a high human plane; those of grace on a divine plane. Furthermore, grace supplies that which is needed to live according to these ideals. Of the Holy Spirit, who is a gift of God’s grace, Jesus said, “He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). He is not merely a sign post that points to high ideals. He is a divine Person dwelling in the believer to guide into “all truth.” This is something entirely unknown to the law.