Monday, July 30, 2012

Disable e-Sword Pop-ups

The latest version of e-Sword now has advertising pop-ups. At best, these can be annoying. At worst, you might live in a country which discourages their residents (by imprisonment or death) from connecting to Christian websites.

To my knowledge there is no way to turn off the pop-ups in the e-Sword program itself. However, you can disable the pop-ups by going to Control Panel / Windows Firewall / Advanced Settings. Create a new "inbound rule" and a new "outbound rule." Select Programs and follow the instructions. You will need to browse to the file named e-Sword.exe which is located one of these folders:

  • C:\Program Files\e-Sword
  • C:\Program Files (86x)\e-Sword

One benefit of doing this is that e-Sword loads way faster. I thought that the reason e-Sword loaded so slow was because of all the modules I have installed. But that is not the case. Every time you load e-Sword, it makes a connection to the internet. You might say that it "phones home" to see if it should send you advertising pop-ups today. Once you disable its ability to connect to the internet, it loads much faster.

I was afraid that disabling e-Swords ability to connect to the internet would also block the download feature found on the Main Menu. It does not. You can still download modules just fine from the Main Menu.

The whole issue of e-Sword "phoning home" every time you start the program brings up privacy issues — especially for people living in certain countries that frown upon their residents from connecting to Christian websites. One person on an e-Sword discussion board made the following good points:

Some people don't want their computer and IP address being recorded at anytime they are connected to the internet. What if you live in a country where you could get in trouble for that? What if you downloaded and installed e-sword before you arrived in a country to avoid connections with a Christian website? What if you installed from a cd to avoid an internet connection with a Christian website? This is very bad.

Here's a discussion of the privacy issues related to e-Sword pop-ups:

Here's a Youtube video on how to use Windows firewall settings to block programs from accessing the internet:

Hope you find this info helpful.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All My Sins! Really?!

Ndaubeo praises Jesus for taking away all her sins.

Yet many professing Christians cannot even fathom this precious truth. Praise God for those who are faithfully teaching new believers such as Ndaubeo about the free gift of salvation purchased by Jesus Christ. Far too often the message of the gospel is tainted by works which, according to the Apostle Paul, is really no gospel at all (Gal. 1:7).

Because of Calvary,

Bob Nyberg

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Makes the Difference?

Villagers in Papua New Guinea want to know what makes the difference in the lives of folks from another hamlet who have trusted Christ as their Savior.

The believers in a Mengen village received an invitation to come teach God's Word to another group.

The Mengens have been visiting different villages passing out copies of Mark and Acts as they went. The people were so excited about receiving the Scriptures that they took several days to read God's Word and talk together about it.

But the deciding factor in asking the Mengen believers to come teach is the difference the people observed in their lives after they trusted Christ.

"After our visits there," wrote missionary Laurens Laureti, "they realized that they have no understanding of how to live in peace with God and are concerned about their future after death. They are unsure about how to get their spirits in order with God."

That good news helped Pabiure, who at 87 is the oldest man in the Mengen village, to decide to be a part of the next outreach. So Pabuire climbed into an airplane for the first time and made the trip to visit some fellow clan members.

"He has never flown in a plane before," wrote Laurens. "His son-in-law, sons and grandson are going to visit his fellow clan members and he said he wanted to go with them and give a testimony of what God has done in his life."

This reminds me of Paul's exhortation to Timothy: "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2)."

Here at the Missionary Training Center we are equipping students to take the gospel to people groups who have never before heard the Word of God. And in turn, those who have been through our training program here are teaching new believers such as the Mengen to reach their own people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

It is an awesome task that needs much prayer. Thanks to all who pray for me and support my ministry here at the MTC.

Please send me an email if you would like to learn more about how you can help to reach the unreached people groups of the world.

Because of Calvary,

Bob Nyberg

Monday, July 9, 2012

Paving the way to present the gospel

Imagine what it would feel like to read and write your own language for the first time as an adult. Recently a group of 20 Biem men and women who live in the jungles of Papua New Guinea completed their literacy class. As a result the language that they have spoken all their lives takes on whole new dimensions and possibilities.

Missionary Brandon Buser writes, “One of their greatest satisfactions is when they get a chance to read their books outside of class time in front of their families. The chance to ‘show off their stuff’ is extremely relished.” Brandon adds that this kind of “showing off” is also an effective enlisting tool for future class participants. It seems that no one wants to be left out.

Literacy is one of the first steps in the process of planting a church among unreached people groups. Now preparations for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ can proceed.

With several years of studying culture and language behind them, the missionaries are now able to understand how to move beyond simple concrete subjects and delve into more abstract topics.
Brandon writes, “Those times are fascinating as we get their takes on life, death and what happens when they die (to which the overwhelming answer is ‘I’ve no clue’). It’s great to be able to tell them that there is Someone Who knows these answers. Most of these conversations end with a lot of eager folks saying that they can’t wait for the Bible course to start.”

The task of planting a church in these remote corners of the world is huge and is extremely challenging. The instruction that NTM missionaries receive at our Missionary Training Center helps them to become effective church planters.

Please send me an email if you would like to learn more about how you can help to reach the unreached people groups of the world.

Because of Calvary,

Bob Nyberg  

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The Proper Attitude of Man under Grace 
by William R. Newell

To believe, and to consent to be loved while unworthy, is the great secret.
To refuse to make “resolutions” and “vows”; for that, is to trust in the flesh.
To expect to be blessed, though realizing more and more lack of worth.
To testify of God’s goodness, at all times.
To be certain of God’s future favor; yet to be ever more tender in conscience toward Him.
To rely on God’s chastening hand as a mark of His kindness.
A man under grace, if like Paul, has no burden regarding himself; but many about others.