Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Maikol's Request

“I was amazed by what I saw,” Maikol said. “The people were reading Bibles in and around their huts.”

Maikol saw something that he desired for his own people when he visited two Hewa villages in Papua New Guinea. He wanted it so badly that he hiked three long, hard days to the Hewa so that he could ask the missionaries for help.

As he was speaking with the missionaries, Maikol reported that in one Hewa village Ken stood in front of the group and taught them in the Hewa language using the scriptures which were translated into the Hewa language. Maikol said, “I looked around and realized the people who were attending the service could hear and understand because it was in their own tongue.”

Maikol said, “I was amazed by what I saw. The people were reading Bibles in and around their huts. Not just a few people and they didn’t stop when it got dark. That evening the boys read out loud by flashlight after we ate our sweet potatoes, and the same thing was happening in the other huts. I couldn’t believe it.”

Maikol has never seen this in his years as a religious leader in his own village.

He said, “I preach from the Pidgin Bible on the weekends but since my villagers don’t know how to read and they are unfamiliar with the language of town there is little interest in God, and no change in their lives. Then I come here and see that people are not only reading the Bible in their homes but they are also completely different than other people. That’s what I want for my village.”

So far, no missionaries have been allocated to Maikol’s people. No one is available to meet this need.

Please pray that God would raise up a team of missionaries that could meet the request of Maikol and would be able to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to these people. Also pray for us here at the Missionary Training Center as we prepare missionary candidates for the ministry of reaching those who do not have God’s Word in their own language.


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Back To The Bible

1Timothy 3:15 describes the mission of the church as being the pillar and support of the truth.  Whatever else the church does, it must take this commission from God seriously.  No one but God’s church is interested in such a project – it falls on God’s people, the true church, to be the one place where truth is believed, upheld, and gloriously proclaimed.  Of course, the truth that the church has to offer has a source – the Word of God.  All the church does must emerge from the Scriptures.  Every method, program, evangelistic effort, and message the church declares must find its roots firmly planted in biblical truth.  -Selected


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