Thursday, August 29, 2013

Can Trilled R’s Advance the Gospel Message?

I enjoy reading prayer letters from our missionaries on the field. Not only does it keep me abreast of what is happening around the world, but it is also a blessing to hear how God continues to build His church in even the remotest parts of the earth. Recently one of our missionaries shared the testimony of some new believers in the Philippines.

After hearing the message of the gospel, Pilno exclaimed, "I believe it! Jesus is the Savior! Our ancestors said this thing or that thing is the way to God. But they were wrong! Jesus paid the price for my sin. It is finished!"

Mulok joyfully added, "If I die now, I will go straight to God. I'm not afraid anymore! Before I was drowning in my sin, just drowning. Now I know that Jesus paid for my sin, and I will go to be with Him in God's Heaven!"

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in my little world of teaching phonetics. I deliberate over little things like better ways of getting students to make a "trilled r." It is good to hear testimonies from folks like Pilno and Mulok which reminds me why I am here fussing over something like a "trilled r." I am reminded that I am part of a larger team. I am in a role of supporting folks on the field so that they can do a better job. I am also reminded that I have a team of folks supporting me through their prayers and financial gifts so that I can function here at the Missionary Training Center.

We are two weeks into the new semester here. We have 46 new students and 71 returning students in our course. Two of our new students are from the Northern Canada Evangelical Mission. They work with "first nations" people groups in Canada. Please pray that we will effectively train all our students for the ministries that God has for them in the future.

I am part of a team that is currently beta testing a new software package that will help us with scheduling, grading, transcripts and a number of other critical tasks. This software package will be used here at the Missionary Training Center and the two New Tribes Bible Institutes. Please pray for us as we beta test this software package and begin to implement it at our schools.


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Never Give Up!!!

As Commencement speaker at a large university, Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England during World War II, gave this message: "Never, never, Never, NEVER QUIT!" Five words .. end of message … then sat down.

V. Raymond Edman, Past President of Wheaton College, put it this way: "It is ALWAYS too soon to quit … ALWAYS!!"

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