The Apostle Paul told Timothy, "the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:2)."
A number of years ago a church was planted among the Dinangat people of Papua New Guinea. Following the principle that Paul taught Timothy, Dinangat Bible teachers have learned how to reach their own people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Today they are laying the foundation to share the gospel with a neighboring village.
It took only one quick slash from a large machete. Suddenly the branch that moments before had been fastened to the tree for life and nourishment, was effectively dead because of its abrupt separation. Using that as an illustration, the Dinangat Bible teachers demonstrated the separation from God that took place when Adam and Eve sinned. When their neighbors saw that branch suddenly and permanently cut off, they were reminded that they were cut off from a holy and righteous God because of their sin. Even though the branch was still green and pliable, no one doubted that once it was separated from the tree, it was dead. The wilting branch was hung in the Dinangat teaching area as a reminder of the lesson on man's separation from God.
The power of that illustration has caused various members of the village to come to the Dinangat Bible teachers, troubled and burdened about their sin.
"I am just like that branch," one of them told the Bible teachers. "Because of my sin, I have been cut off from God. You say there is a promised Deliverer. Can you ask Him to somehow join me back to God?"
The Dinangat believers are excited to share the Good News about Jesus. They explain joyfully to these people that, as they come to hear teaching from God's Word, they will learn how to be joined back to God.
Please pray for this outreach among the Dinangat people. Pray that they will be drawn to the Lord and place their trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ! Pray also for the Dinangat Bible teachers as they teach the gospel to their neighbors.
Pray for us at the Missionary Training Center as we teach faithful men and women to take the gospel to unreached people groups.
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John A. Owston
The problems of life have the potential of being either bane or blessing to us. Even though we may sometimes be like Habakkuk – not completely understanding God's purposes – difficulties can be the means of developing and maturing our faith. An untested faith may be genuine, but it can never be equal to a faith that has gone through the storms of life.
And we know that all things work together for
good to those who love God, to those who are the
called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
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