After being in the Sunshine State for 5 years, I feel like I am just beginning to get a handle on gardening in Central Florida. Once you figure out what grows well during the various months, you can pretty much have fresh veggies from your garden all year round. Two days ago I had a fresh salad from my garden—lettuce, baby spinach, kale, spring onions, radishes, tomatoes and dill. Yesterday I made stir fry using two varieties of Asian greens and Swiss chard. Who knew that the Swiss and Asians work so good together!? J
The Fall garden season here begins around August-September. I am still picking ripe tomatoes that I started in September. I have a few green ones on the vine which should ripen shortly.
The Spring garden season here begins around February-March. I just planted a new batch of tomatoes in containers as I am finishing off eating the Fall tomatoes.
Leafy greens do well in the late Fall, Winter and early Spring. But in late Spring and Summer they bolt quickly.
During the hot Summer months, only a few varieties of tomatoes will set fruit. There are some varieties of tomatoes that were developed at the University of Florida bred to tolerate Florida heat. Also, most cherry tomatoes will set fruit in the Summer. Pepper plants love the hot, humid months. Some will produce during the Winter, but the best growing months are when it is hot.
We basically have a month in which we can get frost (Dec. 29th to Feb. 3rd). It is possible to get frost before and after those dates, but the probability is less than 30%. This "winter" I had to cover my plants 2 nights because of frost.
Here's what is growing in my garden: lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, Asian greens, kale, radishes, carrots, green onions, tomatoes (Bella Rosa, New Big Dwarf, Yellow Pear, Black Cherry, Cherokee Purple, Tiny Tim Tom, Red Robin, Organic Sweetie, Brandywine, Kellogg's Breakfast, Tumbling Tom Yellow Hybrid, Baxter Bush, Principe Borghese), peppers (Ajvarski, Jimmy Nardello Bell, Sweet, Sweet Heat, Jalapeno, Chili, Ancho Grande, Tabasco, Serrano, Cayenne, Chiltepin, Sugar Rush Peach, & Lemon Drop), mint, dill, oregano, rosemary, basil, sage, and chives. And that's just what is growing outside. Inside I have a closet with 4 panels of grow lights, and I have 2 hydroponic grow stations plus some containers with plants growing in hydroponics.
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The Law vs the Gospel
By C. H. Mackintosh
The law demands strength from one who has none, and curses him if he cannot display it. The gospel gives strength to one who has none, and blesses him in the exhibition of it.