The human eye is amazing. It is incredible how quickly an eye can heal. I’m told that with proper care, it takes only about 48 hours to repair a minor corneal scratch. Each eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts. It has more than 1 million nerve fibers that connect each eye to the brain. For this reason, doctors cannot do a total eye transplant since they are not able to reconstruct all those connections. They can transplant the cornea, but that is different than transplanting the entire eye.
Just think of it! All these intricate details developed over millions of years by random chance through accidental mutations. At least that is what many believe. But where there is design, there must be a Designer. I mentioned that to my eye doctor the other day and she agreed with me.
I went in for an eye exam at the beginning of August. I wear contact lenses and have astigmatism. Toric contact lenses will correct for astigmatism, but not all toric lenses are created equal. And my eyes are very finicky. The new toric lens for my right eye works great. But the new toric lens for my left eye, is really not working for me. It does not work as well as my old toric lens. Here’s the problem. CooperVision has discontinued that type of contact lens. My dilemma is to find another contact lens that will correct as well as my old CooperVision Hydrasoft lens. So far, I am not having much success. I would appreciate prayer for this. It is frustrating to have an old lens that works perfectly but needs to be replaced only to find out that new replacement lenses that I have tried do not work as well as the old standby.
Last month I mentioned that our Biblical Resources and Theology group was working on a paper for Ethnos360. The paper stresses the importance of following sound principles of Bible interpretation. So far it has had good reviews by those who have read it. We are also working on revising some old doctrinal papers that really need to be updated. We have 22 papers to review and revise, so this project could take a while. I am also helping to create an “internal webpage,” so to speak, where our folks will be able to access these papers as well as other Biblical resources that we are making available.
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God’s Purpose
The one purpose our Father has in view, in all His ways, is to conform us to the image of His Son. This may explain our perplexities as to the past; it will govern our behavior in the present; it is to be our guide in the future. The chief concern of our Lord is not to instruct us about a multitude of details, not to explain to us the reason for the trials which we are called to pass through. He is working out everything to serve His one supreme aim in manifesting the character of His Son in His saints.
—Henry Frost (Director of China Inland Mission)