Friday, April 3, 2020

Bob’s COVID-19 Update

I wanted to give you an update on how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting us here at the retirement center.

Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, issued a statewide stay-at-home order which began this morning. This order will last at least 30 days.

Currently, Florida has confirmed just over 9,500 coronavirus cases. The state's death toll from the virus is now at 163. Miami-Dade County continues to lead the state with 3,029 cases, about 32 percent of the state's total. I live in Seminole county which has 160 confirmed cases. The city of Sanford has 26 cases as of today. So far, we have no confirmed cases here at our retirement center. We continue to do due diligence to keep our people safe. Our Assisted Living Facility continues to be on lock-down.

When possible, we work at home. For example, this morning I participated in a video conference call over the internet while working on my computer at home. We are in the process of evaluating a video security camera for our property and we spoke with representatives of the company of a camera that we are testing.

Another one of my duties during this time, is checking on my neighbors. I am the "court captain" for our cul-de-sac. I contact each one of the residents daily to see how they are doing. If they express any needs, then I report that up the chain. And I pass along to my neighbors any important information from our leadership team.

At a news conference yesterday, governor DeSantis encouraged people to get out and get exercise but not with large groups of people.

The governor said, "It's less important what you do than how you do it. If you want to go for a 10-mile run by yourself and come back, more power to you. But you wouldn't be able to do a 20-person road race in the neighborhood with 19 of your friends."

I have not attempted a 10-mile run, but I try to do a 2-mile walk by myself around the perimeter of our property each morning.

Stay safe!

In Christ,


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Assurance of salvation has disappeared in the minds of many of the children of God. They daily look at their lives and wonder. They wring their hands and ask for the thousandth time the question "Am I really saved?" Having been subverted, they forget that the answer to the question "Am I really saved?" is really "Do I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that He died for my sins on Calvary's cross?" "Do I agree that the death of Jesus Christ, His burial, His resurrection is in fact the Gospel?" In the midst of today's confusions, many have ceased to believe that the death of Christ is enough to work the work for their salvation from sin's eternal penalty. —Dave Breese