The "teaching team" at Sanford Bible Church decided to do a series on the book of Hebrews. I volunteered to teach on the 5 warning passages in Hebrews. It has been a great study. Right now I am working on the warning found in Hebrews 6.
Verse 1 of chapter 6 begins with: "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection (maturity)…"
The author of Hebrews is basically saying that it is time to leave the lessons dealing with the A-B-C's of the gospel and go on to maturity. That little phrase "let us go on (NKJV)" or "let us press on" (NASB) is interesting. It comes from the Greek word φέρω [pherō] which literally means "to carry." However, it is in the passive voice, so the idea is "to be carried" (by someone or something). As the Holy Spirit ministers the Word of God to our hearts and minds, He is the One who carries us on to maturity.
Warren Wiersbe wrote: "As we grow in the Word, we learn to use it in daily life. As we apply the Word, we exercise our 'spiritual senses' and develop spiritual discernment. It is a characteristic of little children that they lack discernment. A baby will put anything into its mouth. An immature believer will listen to any preacher on the radio or television and not be able to identify whether or not he is true to the Scriptures."
Paul encouraged the believers in Ephesus that they "should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14)."
As I look at the state of Christianity in America today, I am dismayed at how many church goers are being carried about by distorted doctrinal winds. Biblical illiteracy is rampant in our society in general and in our churches in particular. We should be light and salt to a lost and dying world. However, it seems like the light is growing dim and the salt is losing its saltiness. The warnings of Hebrews are certainly fitting for the age that we are living in today.
I appreciate your prayers as we launch this series of messages on the book of Hebrews and as I prepare to teach the warning passages.
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Doctrinal Errors
When you come together as a church I hear there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must in fact be divisions among you, so that those of you who are approved may be evident. 1 Cor. 11:18
"It is often said that the divided condition of Christendom is an evil, and so it is. But the evil consists in the existence of the errors which cause the divisions and not at all in the recognition of those errors when once they exist." ― J. Gresham Machen