Friday, October 2, 2020

Let us press on to maturity!

The "teaching team" at Sanford Bible Church decided to do a series on the book of Hebrews. I volunteered to teach on the 5 warning passages in Hebrews. It has been a great study. Right now I am working on the warning found in Hebrews 6.

Verse 1 of chapter 6 begins with: "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection (maturity)…"

The author of Hebrews is basically saying that it is time to leave the lessons dealing with the A-B-C's of the gospel and go on to maturity. That little phrase "let us go on (NKJV)" or "let us press on" (NASB) is interesting. It comes from the Greek word φέρω [pherō] which literally means "to carry." However, it is in the passive voice, so the idea is "to be carried" (by someone or something). As the Holy Spirit ministers the Word of God to our hearts and minds, He is the One who carries us on to maturity.

Warren Wiersbe wrote: "As we grow in the Word, we learn to use it in daily life. As we apply the Word, we exercise our 'spiritual senses' and develop spiritual discernment. It is a characteristic of little children that they lack discernment. A baby will put anything into its mouth. An immature believer will listen to any preacher on the radio or television and not be able to identify whether or not he is true to the Scriptures."

Paul encouraged the believers in Ephesus that they "should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14)."

As I look at the state of Christianity in America today, I am dismayed at how many church goers are being carried about by distorted doctrinal winds. Biblical illiteracy is rampant in our society in general and in our churches in particular. We should be light and salt to a lost and dying world. However, it seems like the light is growing dim and the salt is losing its saltiness. The warnings of Hebrews are certainly fitting for the age that we are living in today.

I appreciate your prayers as we launch this series of messages on the book of Hebrews and as I prepare to teach the warning passages.



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Doctrinal Errors

When you come together as a church I hear there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must in fact be divisions among you, so that those of you who are approved may be evident. 1 Cor. 11:18

"It is often said that the divided condition of Christendom is an evil, and so it is. But the evil consists in the existence of the errors which cause the divisions and not at all in the recognition of those errors when once they exist." ― J. Gresham Machen


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No grass growing!

I have been listening to a series of messages on the Book of Daniel by Dr. Andy Woods. Dr. Woods said:

The fact of the matter is as long as there is breath in your lungs God wants to use you. Is anybody here dead? Well, if you’re not dead you’re useable; the reason you’re not dead is God has you here to use. And people say well, Andy, you don’t understand, I’m retired. Show me the word “retirement” in the Bible. You know what retirement is? Heaven is retirement; you can rest when you get to heaven but in the meantime God wants to use you. Retirement, what does that mean? That means you’re leaving one job which gives you more financial freedom so God can use you somewhere else; that’s what it means. God always wants to use us as long as there’s breath in this body.

Although I am “officially” retired, I seem to be as busy as ever! There does not seem to be any grass growing under my feet these days.

When moving to Florida, I volunteered to work on a project to update doctrinal papers for the mission. There are 22 papers covering a wide range of topics from Calvinism to Open Theism. Several fellows have been helping me with this project and I am happy to say that the revisions have now been completed.

Another task that we have been assigned is to develop topical categories by which these papers can be organized. Many of these papers could be arranged nicely into the chapter headings of a standard textbook on theology—soteriology, eschatology, ecclesiology, etc. But some of the papers do not fit quite as well into such a scheme. For example, one of the papers is on “Evangelical Feminism.” I do not recall seeing that topic in any standard textbook on theology. We certainly could use wisdom as we consider a scheme for organizing these papers.

BTW, I really enjoy the teaching of Dr. Andy Woods. You can find him online in a number of locations. Here’s a few:



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The Proper Attitude of Man under Grace
by William R. Newell

1.   To believe, and to consent to be loved while unworthy, is the great secret.

2.   To refuse to make “resolutions” and “vows”; for that, is to trust in the flesh.

3.   To expect to be blessed, though realizing more and more lack of worth.

4.   To testify of God’s goodness, at all times.

5.   To be certain of God’s future favor; yet to be ever more tender in conscience toward Him.

6.   To rely on God’s chastening hand as a mark of His kindness.

7.         A man under grace, if like Paul, has no burden regarding himself; but many about others.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Hurricane Isaias

It is Friday afternoon and I wanted to get this blog post out just in case we lose power like we did with Hurricane Irma.

The last few days, I have been in hurricane preparation mode. That meant hauling all my plants into my screened in porch. I have been using grow bags with handles which makes it much easier to move plants. One of my tomato plants is about 4’ tall which made it interesting to carry.

We are in Central Florida and at this time it does not look like the winds will be as bad as Irma. But you never know for sure what path the hurricane will take.

Hopefully we won’t lose power. Summertime in Florida with no A/C is not fun. Hurricane Irma demonstrated that to me all too well!



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The Place of Man under Grace
by William R. Newell

1.   He has been accepted in Christ, who is his standing!

2.   He is not “on probation.”

3.   As to his life past, it does not exist before God: he died at the Cross, and Christ is his life.

4.   Grace, once bestowed, is not withdrawn: for God knew all the human exigencies (needs) beforehand: His action was independent of them, not dependent upon them.

5.   The failure of devotion does not cause the withdraw of bestowed grace (as it would under law). For example: the man in I Cor. 5.1-5; and also those in 11.30-32, who did not “judge” themselves, and so were “judged by the Lord, -- that they might not be condemned with the world”!


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Bob’s COVID-19 Update #4

Well it is time for another "COVID-19" update.

The good news is that no one here at The Homes of Ethnos360 has contracted the virus. The bad news is that the number of daily new cases in Florida continues to rise dramatically.

As a result, Florida is walking back some of their reopening regulations.

Seminole County just imposed a new order requiring everyone to wear face masks while in public places. There are some exemptions such as exercising outdoors.

These new developments certainly make life interesting. For example, the last few days I have been asked to help several folks out with computer issues. In some cases, I can simply work on their computer in another room and practice social distancing. But in other cases, I need to show the person how to do something on their computer. It is difficult to "social distance" with someone sitting right next to you while giving them instructions as to what they need to do. Such is life in this "new normal" that we are coping with.

In the last few weeks, we have started having a "virtual chapel" service for our folks here. That has been quite interesting to say the least. You know what they say about trying to teach an old dog new tricks. The same can be said for teaching seniors how to navigate software for doing "virtual chapels."

Stay safe!

In Christ,


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The Nature of Grace
by William R. Newell

1.   Grace is God acting freely, according to His own nature -- as Love; with no promises or obligations to fulfill; and acting of course, righteously -- in view of the cross.

2.   Grace, therefore, is uncaused in the recipient: its cause lies wholly in the GIVER, in GOD.

3.   Grace, also is sovereign. Not having debts to pay, or fulfilled conditions on man's part to wait for, it can act toward whom, and how, it pleases. It can, and does, often, place the worst deservers in the highest favors.

4.   Grace cannot act where there is either desert or ability: Grace does not help -- it is absolute, it does all.

5.   There being no cause in the creature why Grace should be shown, the creature must be brought off from trying to give cause to God for His Grace.

6.   The discovery by the creature that he is truly the object of Divine grace, works the utmost humility: for the receiver of grace is brought to know his own absolute unworthiness, and his complete inability to attain worthiness: yet he finds himself blessed -- on another principle, outside of himself!

7.   Therefore, flesh has no place in the plan of Grace. This is the great reason why Grace is hated by the proud natural mind of man. But for this very reason, the true believer rejoices! For he knows that "in him, that is, in his flesh, is no good thing"; and yet he finds God glad to bless him, just as he is!


Monday, June 1, 2020

Bob’s COVID-19 Update #3

I can't believe that a month has gone by since I sent out my last "COVID-19 Report."

So far, no one here at The Homes of Ethnos360 has contracted CV-19. Last week the staff and residents in our assisted living facility were tested. I believe that they are still waiting on the results. But to my knowledge, no one here has tested positive.

As far as those residing in our apartment complex goes, we are complying with Florida's Phase 1 Reopening. That means practicing social distancing and avoiding large group gatherings.

On a positive note, Sanford Bible Church reopened yesterday following the guidelines of Seminole County's Social Distancing Order. Considering that our congregation is older and have a higher risk of infection, we had a good turnout. I spoke on "COVID-19 and Bible Prophecy." There were a lot of positive comments after the message.

A number of friends told me that they would like to hear that message. So I posted the audio on the website of Sanford Bible Church. If you are interested, you can find it here:

Just scroll down to "Past Messages."

I ended the message with the following thought.

As we look at the world around us, it seems as if things are falling apart. But as we put things into perspective and consider God's prophetic Word, things are actually falling together. The next event on God's prophetic timetable is the rapture of the church. As we see the direct hand of God at work in history, we know that our day is a great and opportune time to be alive! There are signs of the time, which indicate that we could be near the end of the church age. Stage-setting events are casting a shadow in our day. But before the curtain rises on that period of time known as the tribulation, the church will first rise into the air at the rapture. As believers in the Lord, we are not looking for the Antichrist. We are looking for Jesus Christ. Or as Paul said: "Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).".

Stay safe!

In Christ,


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A call ... for Christian discernment must now be extended; for truly, the battle for the Gospel of the grace of God has come upon us once again. New attention must be paid on the part of individual Christians to sound doctrine and good theology. The beginning of this attention must surely be on the question "what must I do to be saved?" The resounding answer must always and ever be no more and no less than the stunning and surprisingly simple truth "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31) —Dave Breese


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Bob’s COVID-19 Update #2

Last week Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled Florida's "phase-one" plan for relaxing mandatory workplace closures and stay-at-home orders imposed a month ago. That is certainly good news.

How does this "phase-one" plan affect us here at our retirement center? Unfortunately, things will not change very much since our elderly community is the most vulnerable to this COVID-19 virus. In fact, the leadership team here has decided not to change any of the current guidelines for our retirement center out of an abundance of caution. We have been asked to continue to "shelter in place," practice social distancing, and wear a mask outside when walking around our property.

The last trip that I made anywhere off of our property was to see the dentist on March 11th. That was 53 days ago as of today—May 3rd. For groceries and household items, I just order from or and they are delivered right to my apartment. One of my neighbors subscribed to Walmart's home delivery service. She has kindly allowed me to purchase perishable items by adding them to her order.

So far, no one here at our retirement center has contracted this COVID-19 virus. I have a list of people living on Mexico Court that I contact every day to see how they are doing. Everyone on my cul-de-sac are doing well.

Last week I got some new neighbors. Dan and Hannah Knox with their three small kids moved into an apartment half a block away. Dan will be helping out on maintenance here until they are approved to go to the field. Three and a half years ago, they arrived at our Missionary Training Center in Missouri as I was preparing to leave for Florida.

Stay safe!

In Christ,


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Never forget ... that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. It is not at all faith in ourselves or faith in the degree our faith. It is not faith in our ability to endure, hold out, or even to be faithful. Faith in our faithfulness is a broken stick. Faith in the fidelity and the finished work of Christ on Calvary and at the empty tomb is the sole and only basis for our claim to eternal life. On that basis, our claim is sure and steadfast. —Dave Breese


Friday, April 3, 2020

Bob’s COVID-19 Update

I wanted to give you an update on how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting us here at the retirement center.

Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, issued a statewide stay-at-home order which began this morning. This order will last at least 30 days.

Currently, Florida has confirmed just over 9,500 coronavirus cases. The state's death toll from the virus is now at 163. Miami-Dade County continues to lead the state with 3,029 cases, about 32 percent of the state's total. I live in Seminole county which has 160 confirmed cases. The city of Sanford has 26 cases as of today. So far, we have no confirmed cases here at our retirement center. We continue to do due diligence to keep our people safe. Our Assisted Living Facility continues to be on lock-down.

When possible, we work at home. For example, this morning I participated in a video conference call over the internet while working on my computer at home. We are in the process of evaluating a video security camera for our property and we spoke with representatives of the company of a camera that we are testing.

Another one of my duties during this time, is checking on my neighbors. I am the "court captain" for our cul-de-sac. I contact each one of the residents daily to see how they are doing. If they express any needs, then I report that up the chain. And I pass along to my neighbors any important information from our leadership team.

At a news conference yesterday, governor DeSantis encouraged people to get out and get exercise but not with large groups of people.

The governor said, "It's less important what you do than how you do it. If you want to go for a 10-mile run by yourself and come back, more power to you. But you wouldn't be able to do a 20-person road race in the neighborhood with 19 of your friends."

I have not attempted a 10-mile run, but I try to do a 2-mile walk by myself around the perimeter of our property each morning.

Stay safe!

In Christ,


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Assurance of salvation has disappeared in the minds of many of the children of God. They daily look at their lives and wonder. They wring their hands and ask for the thousandth time the question "Am I really saved?" Having been subverted, they forget that the answer to the question "Am I really saved?" is really "Do I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that He died for my sins on Calvary's cross?" "Do I agree that the death of Jesus Christ, His burial, His resurrection is in fact the Gospel?" In the midst of today's confusions, many have ceased to believe that the death of Christ is enough to work the work for their salvation from sin's eternal penalty. —Dave Breese


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Mitigating Risks to the Most Vulnerable

The coronavirus has certainly taken the spotlight in the news these days. Since the elderly are the most vulnerable, the Governor of Florida has implemented some new restrictions on Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities.

Governor DeSantis said, “These are important efforts to mitigate the risk to our most vulnerable population to COVID-19, which is our elderly population, particularly those with underlying medical conditions.”

By aggressively screening visitors, Florida hopes to avoid a repeat of problems in Washington state, where nursing home residents have died from the contagious respiratory disease.

“We see the tragic situation in Washington state at a nursing home there,” Agency for Health Care Administration Secretary Mary Mayhew said. “The choice is clear: Florida will and must take every step to prevent real and potentially fatal threats to our elderly and senior populations and those with underlying health conditions.”

Part of The Homes of Ethnos360 includes an “Assisted Living Facility.” Some of these restrictions will apply to us here.

I mentioned previously that the staff here are stretched pretty thin in recent days. We do rely upon outside help from the community. These new restrictions could limit how much volunteer help that we can use from the outside.

We really need wisdom and grace as we navigate through this new paradigm of restrictions because of the coronavirus.

In Christ,


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This is God’s universe and He does things His way. Now, you may have a better way of doing things, but you don’t have a universe.

— J. Vernon McGee


Friday, February 14, 2020

Quoting Shakespeare & Dickens

A line from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet goes like this: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” That seems to imply that the name of things does not affect what they really are. A few years ago, New Tribes Mission changed its name to Ethnos360. I still have a hard time saying that new name. Now I will have to get used to another new name: The Homes of Ethnos360. For years, many people referred the NTM Homes as simply “The Homes.” I think many of us will still opt for that shorter version.

Since I am quoting lines from literary sources, Charles Dickens’ classic A Tale of Two Cities seems quite appropriate. The novel opens with, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”

The Best of Times: Things are going well at Sanford Bible Church. This last year a new A/C system was installed, the roof was done, the soffit and facia were replaced, and the outside of the building was repainted. A few weeks ago, we received our new chairs to replace the old pews. Last week, we moved the old pews out, had the carpet cleaned and set up the new chairs.

The Worst of Times: For some time, the staff at “The Homes” have been stretched thin. Many have been doing double duty trying to fill in the gaps of people who have left. Just recently two key men have taken a medical leave of absence because of serious health issues. The head of Food Services and the head of Maintenance/Construction have both been diagnosed with serious cancer issues. They and their families could sure use your prayers. Since our staff are pretty much running on fumes, they all need your prayers. And please pray that the Lord would fill the needs of our staff. The specific areas of need are: Administration, Food Service, Maintenance and Construction, as well as Housekeeping. These needs are critical at this time.

If you know of anyone who might be able to help out on a volunteer basis or as an associate member of Ethnos360 please let them know of these needs. More information can be found at our website at They can be a part of the church planting team by helping right here in the USA.

In Christ,


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Grace is the very opposite of merit. Grace is not only undeserved favor, but it is favor shown to the one who has deserved the very opposite.

- Harry Ironside