I watched with interest the recent debate between Bill Nye (the science guy) and Ken Ham (President of Answers in Genesis). One thing was obvious: 2 ½ hours is not nearly long enough to even begin to touch on all the issues involved in the young earth creation model.
Not long ago, I saw this post from the Institute for Creation Research:
One factor that separates us from the animals is our ability to formulate distinct words and string them together with syntax to communicate complex concepts. The barks and grunts and whistles of animals may convey meaning of sorts but certainly not abstract thought. Only the image of God in man (Genesis 1:27) can communicate directly with other humans and with the Creator of all.
Even those who hold to evolution admit this basic difference between the speech of humans and animals. An article in Popular Science stated:
The evolution of speech is a complex story, but one key feature is we humans' ability to form intricate sounds using vowels and consonants. Animals have simpler anatomy, so they can't produce as many distinguishable sounds…
Whether it is higher levels of speech dealing with things like syntax or lower levels of speech dealing with things like the forming of sounds, all are agreed that humans function at a much more complex level than animals.
Having taught phonetics for 3 decades, I can guarantee that the sounds of human speech are extremely complex. But what really amazes me is the God given ability for the human brain to sort out those sounds and make sense of them. And not only to do that for a first language but to learn other languages as well. I cannot understand out how atheists can look at human speech and say that the brain’s ability to make sense of all those sounds came about by mere chance. Where there is design, there must be a Designer!
We are currently reevaluating our phonetics course. Please pray that our Designer would give us wisdom as we attempt to design the best possible course for our students.
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Our Creator and Savior
by Henry Morris, Ph.D.
Our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom we have trusted our eternal souls, is more than just a great religious teacher who was martyred for His faith long ago. He is alive on His throne in heaven, having defeated death forever. He was our great Creator, our sin-bearing Savior and will be our eternal Lord and King.