Monday, October 8, 2012

A Church is Born in PNG

Only a few years ago the Busers and Chens were sitting in a phonetics class here at the Missionary Training Center. Now they are working with the Biem people of Papua New Guinea. They recently finished teaching a series of chronological Bible lessons culminating with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Brandon Buser wrote:

We began today's lesson by acting out the crucifixion. From there we taught: Why did Jesus have to die? What did that mean for us? Why had God the Father forsaken Him? What did He mean "it is finished"? What did the torn curtain mean? How in the world did the thief get saved? From there we acted out the resurrection and then taught on the significance of it. Finally the ascension and some more teaching.

Obviously the reactions were as varied as the individuals that were in attendance… Here are some of the things that a few of the folks said:

"Brandon, it's so clear now. I used to go to church, give money, and do good. All those things I thought would make me clean in God's eyes. But when I slept at night, truly I had no idea where I would go when I die. But now I know! Brandon, I'm not scared of dying anymore."

Another fella just kept saying "Really?! Really!?" Everyone beside the guy kept looking at him like he was nuts, but he was just beside himself with amazement at what Jesus had completed on his behalf.

One friend said, "I've been listening to the whole teaching and I understand this. I believe this. I know Jesus ONLY has straightened my sin pay. Now I understand this and the first thing I'm going to do is tell my family. They need to hear this."

Another said, "We've talked about it already. We're going to be going to the next islands to share this talk (15 miles – open ocean). We'll row in our canoes if we have to. They need to hear. They don't understand this talk at all. None of us did. But us, we need to get this talk to others now."

Wayne Chen also wrote:

A young guy sat next to me, with a biggest smile on his face. He didn't say anything so I asked him, "what's on your mind?" He said, "Wayne, I had a big question yesterday. Why didn't God the Father help Jesus on the cross? I thought about it all night and I didn't know.

But after today's lesson, I don't have any more questions. I got it. I understand it. I am just going to sit here and be happy." He smiled on.

And one young Biem man said, "I know I should thank God for you guys but I want to thank your families for bringing God's talk here." Then we told him that, there are literally thousands of people praying for you guys to understand God's talk all over the world. He then said, "Ok, then you go and tell them, ALL OF THEM, THANK YOU. God's talk has come to our island. THANK THEM for praying and sending you guys here." This young man, along with a few others, began to discuss how they need to take this talk to other islands and even different language groups in Papua New Guinea.

This young Biem believer reminds me that it takes a team to plant a church. Brandon and Wayne needed someone in Missouri to teach them phonetics. And I could not teach phonetics without a partnership team supporting and praying for my ministry.

I am truly thankful for all those who have partnered with me through their prayers and through their financial support.
