Recently a title of a book caught my attention: O Me of Little Faith: True Confessions of a Spiritual Weakling. I had to chuckle because at times that epitaph fits me like a tee.
In May 2011 a former acquaintance of mine began supporting my ministry. Josie and I were students together at New Tribes Language Institute nearly 30 years ago. I thanked her with a very grateful heart. What Josie did not know at the time is that I had lost a few supporters over the last few years because of the depressed economy.
Josie said that she would begin praying that my support would increase. However, "me of little faith" had my doubts. Honestly, the economic future of this country at this point in time does not look very rosy. And it's not like I have been traveling throughout the highways and byways of the United States lately trying to raise my support level.
While I was thankful that Josie decided to pray that my support would increase, I myself certainly lacked the faith of David's good friend Jonathan who in boldness of faith said, "It may be that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few." And it is just as true that nothing restrains the Lord from providing for His children in a good economy or in tough economic times. But, O me of little faith, was a bit skeptical that the Lord would answer Josie's prayer request without me at least going on the road and doing some support raising. After all some wise sage once said, "God helps those who help themselves." Hmmmm, where is that verse found in the Bible? I don't seem to recall right off hand!
Well you could have knocked me over with a feather when I opened an email the other day that had the title "Support" in the subject line. It was from David, an on-line friend who I have never actually met in person. We have exchanged email messages over the last few years discussing topics such as doctrine and language learning. David and his wife decided that they also would like to begin supporting my ministry.
Within the last two months the Lord has raised up two new financial supporters on my behalf. And He did it in spite of tough economic times without me having to follow the advice of the wise sage who encourages us to "help ourselves because that is supposedly how God helps us."
Abraham sure had it right when he said, "Jehovah Jireh — the Lord will provide!"
Praising Him for His faithfulness,